This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Monday, November 28, 2016

How To Write an In-Class Essay (Infographic)

Infographic Courtesy: eHow

How To Write an In-Class Essay In 45 Minutes

There are some basic points to write an in-class essay in 45 Minutes.  Follow the steps bellow
1) Read the directions twice (in 2 Minutes).
2) Make your choices,  Think carefully (in 2 Minutes).
3) Outline the important points. Organize your thoughts.
4) Brainstorm, Really trust me.
5) Write the body part and follow your outline.
6) Write the introduction. Get the attention, introduce the topic, thesis.
7) Refine: edit and proofread.
8) Conclude: Restate main ideas, what does it all means?

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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Editing and Proofreading Tips for Bloggers

 Editing and Proofreading Tips for Bloggers
Anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can now become a blogger. Starting a blog is easy and once you do, you have the potential to reach millions of people. Unfortunately, the simple nature of blogs and blogging often breeds a careless mindset when generating a post. Bloggers are often too caught up in the thrill of their story or opinion to properly edit or proofread their piece. We've compiled a short list of tips in order to help the average blogger optimize his or her posts and get the most out of his or her online publications. Follow these tips and your messages, thoughts, arguments, or ponderings are sure to be well received.

1. Proofread your post

This is easily the most important step in generating a worthwhile blog post. There is nothing that renders a blog useless faster than a post riddled with careless spelling mistakes. As blogs are often statement or opinion based, it is likely that the blogger is trying to make a point or convey an argument of some sort. A blogger could make the most profound statement of all time, only to have it torn apart in the comments section by readers who are quick to point out that he or she used 'there' instead of 'their.' Always go over your post several times to ensure that you've removed every grammar or syntax error you're capable of finding, and your posts will improve tremendously.

2. Edit for context

Are you a professional? A politician? A pro wrestler? Or just an average Joe, looking for a creative venue to vent your frustrations about everyday life? As a blogger, a CEO should not use the same language as a teenager, as their readers are from vastly different walks of life. Your blog post will say a lot about your personality, so bloggers must be mindful of your tone. What's more, when you're publishing things online, anyone can find your entry and read it. Take your personal context into account in the editing process; remove any language or thoughts that you wouldn't want your boss or co-workers to read. Conversely, if your post is aimed at fourth graders, don't use terms suited for university graduates.

3. Fact check

Truth is a necessity in your blog writing. Although the Internet does not require citations and references, nothing will affect your readership more than blog posts filled with obvious lies and false statistics. Bloggers should edit their posts to remove outlandish statements masquerading as facts. Again, it is important to assess your facts in relation to the context of your blog; a humor blog is more likely to exaggerate events in order to get a chuckle, but if your genre doesn't call for outrageous antics, edit them out. Fellow bloggers tend to be a tough crowd, and if you're constantly spouting lies and false truths, your credibility will forever be in question.

4. The shorter, the better

When learning how to blog, you may have encountered the term TL;DR, which stands for "too long; didn't read." TL;DR is used to quickly and efficiently communicate that a blog post's length is far too long to attract potential readers to even begin looking at your blog. Who wants to read a 46-page blog post when they could potentially get the same information on Twitter in 140 characters? This leads directly to our final tip for bloggers:

5. Remove the rambling

A steady, unrelenting, coffee-induced stream of conscious ramblings worked for Jack Kerouac and the Good Doctor Thompson, but in the blogosphere, these instances of verbal diarrhea tend to draw negative comments or even result in a loss of readership. This goes hand in hand with the TLDNR concept, as readers will get lost in incoherent blathering or unnecessary instances of verbose declarations. Stick to the important parts of a blog and cut out the rambling. Edit the language of your posts to remove redundancies; your readers won't frequent your blog for long if they can barely understand what you're talking about.

Make your blog a must-read

These are just a few examples of how a thorough edit and proofread can potentially improve your writing as a blogger. If you want people to read, or continue to read, your blog, then you must ensure that what you are writing is not only worth reading, but is plainly readable. Try applying these five steps to your next post and keep an eye on the comments section; chances are your feedback will be more about the content of your post than any grammar or stylistic errors. If, as a blogger, you want to spend more of your time writing, and less time editing, that's OK! Submit your entry to our blog editing services, or for those bloggers who use WordPress, try our WordPress Plugin.

Image source: Skitter Photo/,

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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How to write a creative essay?

Essay writing is not easy, even for seasoned writers. For students struggling to grasp the topic and with language issues, the task seems formidable. It is a sad but true fact that content and its presentation is just as important as the use of language, grammar, punctuation, and formatting. It is also a fact that very few students have flawless language skills. This, in turn, causes anxiety because language is also taken into account when examiners grade essays. Get more information: